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NOV 2024

Croptic | Weed maps for spot spraying


Croptic | Weed maps for spot spraying

Product group: Precision agriculture

Croptic enables farmers to use their conventional field sprayer as a spot-sprayer. We do this through weed maps we create with drones & AI.

This allows farmers to save 70-95% on their herbicides and limits the damage of less selective herbicides.

Croptic's proprietary AI system allows this to be applied in very many crops and weeds. For potatoes, this technique is perfect for targeting problem weeds that survive general treatment. Think of Knolcyperus, Thorn apple, Hornweed and Thistle but also Volunteer potatoes in the next crop. Spots in the field that did not surface can also be mapped to save on disease control.

Our task maps are compatible with almost all brands of GPS terminals. Almost any field sprayer with GPS and section control can use them right away.

Because we know in advance how much tank mix needs to be made, the farmer does not have to worry about returning home with half a tank.

In this way, we ensure that spraying with a task map goes as smoothly as a conventional spraying.

Date of market introduction in Belgium (if still in development: expected date of launch)

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Croptic uses 2 new technologies, DGR and Rapid AI protyping. DGR: Our image processing system allows drone images to be collected with a 10% overlap where classically 75% or more would be required. As a result, we need 90% less data and can create high-resolution images with relatively inexpensive drones. Rapid AI prototyping. Croptic's AI system is designed to create a working detection model very quickly and with relatively little data. This means we can train a new AI model for every field we process. With this, we ensure that external factors such as weather, soil, crop size and varieties do not impact the result of the AI and we can deliver good and accurate results without years of data collection. This also allows us to immediately map new crops and weeds that we have never done before. As long as we have the weeds visible in the photos, we can turn them into a task map. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Added value for the user (in commercial terms, user-friendliness ...)
The user does not have to wait for their crop/race/problem weeds to be supported and for the detection's to be accurate. We can map it immediately and have instant control over the accuracy of the results. The user also always knows in advance how much to spray and the task maps can also be used on “older” sprayers.

Added value for the further sustainability and professionalization of the potato sector.
This brings great pesticide savings. It can also be used to deal with problem weeds without interfering with the rest of the crop. Consider systematically cleaning up tuber cyperus so that potatoes can be grown again or spraying hedge weeds without inhibiting the entire field.

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