24 - 25 - 26
NOV 2024





With our revolutionary potato harvesting system we offer a solution to the many challenges of harvesting potatoes in different soil types. Our patented AP-LIFT system improves harvesting on heavy clay, loose peat, steep slopes and stony soil. By mechanically cutting the potato ridges and pulling them in with the discs, the problem of excessive or insufficient thrust is eliminated. In addition, the AP-LIFT system prevents foliage from building up around the chisels, which can cause blockages.

With the AP-LIFT system, the machine can be used more days of the year, uses up to 10 liters per hectare less fuel and requires significantly less traction. In addition, the sieving capacity increases due to the possibility of spreading the soil widely over the mat, while the digging mat remains up to 15 cm clear of the ground.

From this year onwards, the option to load onions is also available, making it possible to remove all crops from the field in one front. This also saves a lot of conversion time when switching between crops.

With the development of the non-stop stone protection option, it becomes possible to grow potatoes in fields with large stones and rocks without causing damage to the harvester. Because the AP-LIFT system is mounted above the digging web, it can dynamically respond to obstacles such as rocks by temporarily moving out of the way. This allows continuous harvesting without stopping and without causing damage.

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