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NOV 2024

Hyperspectral analyzer


Hyperspectral analyzer

Product group: Research and development

RMA-Techniek's hyperspectral analyzer can be used to determine the dry matter content and its dispersion in a potato. To do this, the potato must pass through the machine cut into slices.

This can be done using an automated slicer placed in front of the analyzer. But it is also possible to manually place the slices on the belt. This belt moves under a hyperspectral camera. The camera captures light reflections over wavelengths invisible to the human eye. This data is processed in special software from which the dry matter dispersion within the potato can eventually be deduced. These results are then displayed on the screen and stored in a database.

RMA-Technology is open to further explore this technique together with clients and to develop it!

Date of market introduction in Belgium (if still in development: expected date of launch)

Briefly formulate what is new. If your innovation is selected for inclusion in the innovation route, your text will be used as the basis for the texts in the communication to the visitors, press, etc... (max. textarea: 1000 characters)
The Hyperspectral analyzer looks the same on the outside as the RMA-techniek Internal defects analyzer, but it is equipped with a hyperspectral camera instead of a regular one. This camera captures light reflections over wavelengths not visible to the human eye. When slices of a potato pass underneath the camera, information about them can be collected. This information is processed in special software and from this, for example, the dry matter dispersion within the potato can be derived.

Added value for the user (in commercial terms, user-friendliness ...)
The added value for the user is that even more and more accurate information about the potatoes can be collected such as dry matter distribution, sugar distribution and chemical composition, all with 1 machine. Furthermore, this machine can also be built into any composition of an automatic tare line, provided the potato in slices comes under it. So the automatic slice cutter is then recommended.

Added value for the further sustainability and professionalization of the potato sector.
With this machine, even more and more accurate information about the potatoes can be collected. This information will also be more unambiguous. Furthermore, data can also be extracted that cannot be seen with the naked eye but does affect the further processing of the product.

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